use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient;$httpClient = HttpClient::create();$response = $httpClient->request('GET', '');
$statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();// $statusCode = 200$content = $response->getContent();// returns the raw content returned by the server (JSON in this case)// $content = '{"id":521583, "name":"symfony-docs", ...}'$content = $response->toArray();// transforms the response JSON content into a PHP array// $content = ['id' => 521583, 'name' => 'symfony-docs', ...]
// the response of this request will be a 403 HTTP error$response = $httpClient->request('GET', '');// this code results in a Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Exception\ClientException// because it doesn't check the status code of the response$content = $response->getContent();// do this insteadif (200 !== $response->getStatusCode()) { // handle the HTTP request error (e.g. retry the request)} else { $content = $response->getContent();}