TypeScript 4.0
Variadic Tuple Types
Pre 4.0 situation
Consider the following function using Tuples:
The only way to type this in TypeScript used to be:
Post 4.0 situation
Tail example
Consider the following example:
TypeScript 4.0 bring 2 changes here.
Generic spreads in tuple types
The spreads in tuple type syntax to be generic:
Rest elements can occur anywhre in a tuple
Rest elements can occur anywhere in a tuple, not just at the end:
Concat example
Note that in cases when we spread in a type without a known length, the resulting type becomes unbounded as well, and all the following elements factor into the resulting rest element type.
Therefore the
example can be typed with:
Parameter annotations
Return type annotation
Optional Parameters
This is for documentation purposes but imho just makes things more confusing.
Declaring Functions
Use this to declare function type without providing implementation:
Overloading is supported as well: